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When tree or woodland work is likely to impact on protected species, it is usually necessary for relevant surveys to be carried out. At Dave Smith Tree Care and Woodland Management, we have many years’ experience in carrying out surveys for bats and dormice. These surveys need to be planned well in advance and pre-survey assessments are recommended.

Ecological surveys

Our surveys include:

Bat surveys

All species of British bat are protected by law. It is not only illegal to harm bats, but also to damage or destroy their roosts. All British bats are associated with woodland and trees in one way or another. Many species roost within trees and these roosts must be protected. We provide Bat surveys to detect their presence, which can involve ground based assessments, full climbing surveys and dusk/dawn survey. The type and number of surveys will vary with each job.


Dormice surveys

Dormice have traditionally been associated with woodland and hedgerows but can also be found in scrub and suitable garden habitats. They are legally protected and it is an offence to disturb or destroy their habitat. We provide professional dormice surveys for woodlands and hedgerows. This can take a full summer unless their presence is proved earlier, so advanced planning is essential where dormice surveys are required.

If protected species are present then we will work with you to find solutions and make amendments to any planned work if necessary to comply with your legal obligations. Please contact us for more information.

Specialists at Dave Smith Tree Care and Woodland Management can help you with ecological surveys. Call 07905 849 842

Advice and solutions

Ecological surveys tree trimming